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How to Reduce Allergens in Clothes: 6 Tips for Allergen Removal

How to reduce allergens in clothes: 6 tips for allergen removal


The U.S. alone has more than 50 million people who suffer from allergies. Fortunately, whether you have sensitive skin, dust mites or allergens in clothes, there are six simple tips you can use to beat them. With your washing machine and dryer on your side, there’s no reason to suffer. Instead, utilize the expertise of the pros at all® laundry to discover how to reduce allergens!


clean washing machine

Many people don’t realize it, but your washing machine and dryer need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Failure to do so can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, especially in top-loading washers. In other words, instead of washing away the allergens, your clothes will be introduced to a new list of problems that may be even worse for your health.

Keeping your dryer vent clean is also a top priority. Taking this easy step before you dry each load will prevent the build-up of mildew and allergens. Additionally, having a clogged vent presents a safety risk. A whopping 34 percent of dryer fires are started because someone didn’t take a moment to clean the vent.


If you want to prevent allergens in the home, you will need to address the laundry room. This area of the house tends to generate a lot of heat and humidity, which can lead to mold growth. Therefore, you must take preventative steps to keep your laundry and yourself safe. Consider implementing one or more of the following ideas to reduce mold: 

  • Use a Dehumidifier.
  • Open a Window. 

  • Use a Fan.  

  • Invest in a Good Ventilation System. 

Each of the ideas above will work, but your best bet is to combine two or more of them.


No matter how bad it gets, there’s something you can use to bust through the allergens in your clothes. Make the switch to all® sensitive skin and hypoallergenic products, and you’ll quickly be able to tell the difference.

If you only choose one product to help, be sure it’s laundry detergent for people with allergies. This may reduce your chances of suffering from contact dermatitis and chemical sensitivities. You’ll also want to choose your fabric softenersstain fightersOXI boosters and more very carefully. Make sure that every item you buy for your laundry routine is hypoallergenic and meant for sensitive skin.

Before you purchase just any product, you’ll want to take a few moments to compare their features. Check every bottle for the following:

  • Dye Free.

  • Perfume Free (or lightly scented).

  • Phosphate Free.

  • Recommended by Medical Professionals.

  • Concentrated Version.

As long as your laundry detergent has these things, it should be safe to use for even the most sensitive skin.


pollen in fibers

A lot of consumers will put on a t-shirt, pair of jeans or other new item of interest without washing it first. Although it’s understandable to want to show off your new clothing immediately, doing so may make those who are allergy sensitive have a reaction. The biggest cause of these reactions is the usage of finishing sprays, which may make the clothing look its best, but is a nightmare for those with allergies and sensitive skin.

Another product that should be in your laundry room is a sensitive skin fabric softener. Using this will help soften up your new clothes, and it may also help you avoid textures that might irritate your skin. all® sensitive skin fabric softening products are a great touch that should help you immensely.

Finally, you’ll want to consider using your washing machine’s “extra rinse” setting. This will include a second rinse cycle at the end to get out even more detergent and dirt.


Line drying may be a good way to reduce your energy bill, but if you have serious allergies, it’s just not worth it. After all, countless outdoor allergens may come into contact with your clothing. This means that even more problems than usual will be lying in wait for their opportunity to make you itch, sneeze or generally cause mayhem. Keep in mind that wearing clothes outside will also introduce you to allergens. As a result, it’s best to shed any grassy or muddy items before you go back inside.

You may still feel tempted to line dry for the cost-saving benefit. However, your best bet is to get an indoor drying rack instead. These are extremely popular in the U.K., so why not add them to your American home?


Using a dryer sheet that is free of perfumes and dyes can help repel pet hair and other allergens. Even better, it’s easy as can be to add a dryer sheet. You’ll also want to transfer your laundry from the washing machine to the dryer as quickly as possible after the washing cycle ends. Otherwise, you could end up with mold and mildew on your clothes. Be aware of the way your laundry smells. If you notice even a faint whiff of mildew, put your clothing through another washing cycle.

all® hypoallergenic and sensitive skin dryer sheets will make your life much smoother. Just add a sheet to each dryer load and see how much of a difference they can make.


In reality, it doesn’t take that much thought to dramatically reduce the number of allergens in your laundry. Aside from buying sensitive skin and hypoallergenic products, you merely need to develop a quick routine to ensure that your allergy risk is set as low as possible. Remember to add a dryer sheet, always wash your clothes before wearing, avoid line drying, control moisture in your laundry room and clean your washer and dryer on a regular basis.

Want to ensure your clothing is clean of allergens and free of other sensitive materials? Check out All’s sensitive skin and hypoallergenic laundry care products. all® is the number-one most recommended brand for sensitive skin by pediatricians and dermatologists, so you know it’s a brand that you can trust. Learn more laundry tips from the team of experts at all®.

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